In the middle of the night silence, under the roof of a house that is not how good, the faint sound of a milk woman to her daughter, "Mix the milk with water!", He said. The child was immediately rejected as he asked: "Do not fear that the mother is known to the Caliph Umar bin Khattab? 'Umar would not know", replied his mother spontaneously. With full confidence that any girl replied, "Even if Umar did not know it, does that mean God who created Umar also did not know it? ". The mother was shocked and speechless silence.On the other side of the earth, under the dim light of the moon, a wall next to the milk house, a person who stood listening to the conversation from the outset through the cracks in the walls of the house, someone who is authoritative, the Caliph Umar bin Khattab.Umar then hurry to leave the house while giving instructions to his assistant, "Mark this house!". The next day he immediately called Asim, one of his sons as he asked: "Will you marry me to someone who is very good religion?", Conceived in his mind girls milk seller. Without another thought Asim replied confidently, "Yes"Subhanallah! Blessed marriage, two beings who share a strong belief in the promise pledged by a strand of rope saint. Later, both born of historical role models whose names will never wear out in time naked.Journey time went on record as role models and examples are enshrine his name in memory of history. The greatness of their name recognized throughout the world, from end to end. Their persona was cheered in every corner of the hemisphere. Their fame has always been a source of inspiration for generations of success.Talk about ideals, it is not there a more amazing story than the story recorded in the history of Islam. With gold ink terukirlah names that deserve to be a role model role model in pursuing this life. Their life's journey guided by the sanctity of revelation; the Qur'an and Sunnah. Their exemplary form under the glory of Islam and their kesohoran tergapai thanks to the auspices of Islam. They are one of those who God I profiled in the Qur'an,) أولئك الذين هدى الله فبهداهم اقتده قل لا أسألكم عليه أجرا إن هو إلا ذكرى للعالمين (It means: "They are the ones who have been given instructions by Allah, then follow their instructions. Say:" I did not ask for wages in conveying to you (Muhammad). "It is nothing but a warning to all community ". (Surat al-An'am: 90).Between the rows of big names, there was the name of Umar bin Abdul Aziz, the Caliph to the Bani Umayyad dynasty eight. Stature no doubt, his example makes amazed every reader of his biography, more than that the great man is always echoed as an icon of justice after his predecessor; Umar bin Khattab. It was an amazing individual!A. Biography of Umar bin Abdul Aziz.a. Nasabnya.He is the son of Umar bin Abdul Aziz ibn Marwan bin Hakam Abu al-`As bin Umayyad bin Abdu son of Abdu Manaf bin Sham Qusayy bin Kilab; one of the descendants of Bani Umayyad, which of course bloody Quraysh. He used to be called by the name Abu Hafs, while among the Umayyads, he is better known as al-Asyaj (the owner of the wound in the face). His father Abdul Aziz, a governor of Egypt in the reign of Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan, is one candidate who was nominated for the caliphate after the death of his father entered office; Marwan bin Hakam, but dying hurried to pick him up. While his mother; Laila bintu Umar ibn Asim, was called by Umm Asim. In the lineage of the mother, he is the great-grandson of Umar bin Khattab.When Abdul Aziz told Laila about to propose, he said to his boss, "Gather for me four hundred dinars of the best of my possessions, because I want to apply a woman of good family". Long story short, eventually even marrying Laila Abdul Azizb. His birth.He was born in Medina in 61 H in the era of Caliph Yazid bin Mu'awiyah, coinciding with the death of the wife of the Prophet Muhammad r Maemunah. He spent his childhood in Madina Munawwarah to gain knowledge of the scholars who lived at that time. So that he himself terkumpullah on the primacy of science and religion, as well as descendants of 'blue blood' and gelimpangan material.After the death of his father, he was asked to stay in Damascus by the caliph Abd al-Malik, his uncle, and married with one son; Fatimahc. His death.He died on Friday in the last ten days of Rajab 101 H at the age of 40 years, having held power for about 2 years 5 months 4 days, due to a stroke that happened. Others say that he died of poisoning Bani Umayyad officials. And Allaah knows best.He left three wives: Fatimah Abdul Malik bin Marwan bintu, Lumais bintu Haris bin Ali, Umm Uthman bin bintu Syu'aib Zayyan, and 14 boys: Abdul Malik, Abdul Aziz, Abdullah, Ibrahim, Ishaq, Ya ' qub, Bakr, Walid, Moses, Ashim, Yazid, Zayyan, Abdul Aziz, Abdullah, and three daughters: Umm Ammar, Aminah, Umm Abdillah.Adh-Dzahabi commented: "He is a good boned and have a certain character. Having perfection in thought, clever put yourself, good political lobbying, upholding justice and trying to apply it as much as possible, extensive knowledge, qualified in psychology and given the extraordinary intelligence are 'wrapped' amazing insight. In addition he is also known as an expert service, have faith that straight, ascetic even took office and speak the truth even if a bit loud that supports it. The scholars categorize him as one of al-Khilafat ar- Rasyidun and scholars that their knowledge2. Personality of Umar bin Abdul Aziz.Umar bin Abdul Aziz is the figure of a strong personality, mentality of steel, able to find the best solution of all the problems that exist and have a keen analysis.Among its characteristics:a. High fear of Allah I.Things that make Umar bin Abdul Aziz was so phenomenal is not because of prayer and fasting that is done, but because of the high fear Allah and His longing for heaven. That's what pushed him into personal achievement in all aspects; science and charity.Narrated Umar one day the little crying and it was overheard by her mother. Then asked why. He replied: "I thought of death". So the mother was crying made.Once a man visited Umar bin Abdul Aziz who was holding a lantern. "Give me advice!", Umar opened the conversation. The man also said: "O Commander of the Faithful!! If you go to hell, people who go to heaven it is not possible to give you benefits. Conversely, if you go to heaven, those who go to hell also is not likely to harm". Necessarily Umar bin Abdul Aziz was crying so lantern in his hand burned with tears rolling down the swiftb. Wara '.Among the tangible form of the attitude of Wara 'of Umar bin Abdul Aziz is his reluctance to use state facilities for personal purposes, even if just smell the aroma of perfume. It was once asked by his aides, "O Caliph! Is not that just the smell alone, no more". He replied: "Would not taken advantage perfume scent because it smells".It is said that one day Umar bin Abdul Aziz greatest thing ever crave apples. Suddenly one of her relatives came to visit as she presents to him a bag of apples. Then there was someone who said: "O Commander of the Faithful Are not the Prophet r used to receive a gift and not accept alms". He was immediately replied, "Prize at the time of the Prophet r is purely a gift, but in our day gift means a bribe"c. Ascetic.Umar bin Abdul Aziz was a very ascetic, asceticism he had not even possibly be achieved by anyone thereafter. Asceticism which reached its highest level in the current 'top of the world' was in his grasp.Malik bin Dinar said: "People mengenaiku commented," Malik bin Dinar is the ascetic. "And who deserves the ascetic is said to Umar bin Abdul Aziz. World came to him, but left behind".Have conceived in the mind of a head of state when the desire to perform the pilgrimage, he could not leave just because his supply of money is not enough? Has it ever occurred in the shadow of a nobleman who we have only one shirt, it was rough berkain? The ascetic Umar bin Abdul Aziz never experienced it!d. Tawadhu 'Your character owned by Umar bin Abdul Aziz is very high. This was reflected in so many characteristics that stand out on his self. Among these are Tawadhu'nya attitude.One day there was a man calling him, "O Caliph of Allah on earth!" So he was said to him: "When I was born my family gave me the name Omar. Then when I was growing up I used to be called by the name Abu Hafs. Then when I was appointed head of state I was given the title of Commander of the Faithful. If you call me by name, designation or title that I must answer it. As for the title that you just gave, I carry it is not appropriate. was only fitting title given to Prophet David semisalnya u and the person ", as he read the word of God I,) يا داوود إنا جعلناك خليفة في الأرض (Translation: "Hi David, We made you caliphs (rulers) in the earth". (Surah Shad: 26).However, there is still more remarkable! Stories that reflect the attitude Tawadhu 'had; Umar bin Abdul Aziz story with an aide.Once upon a time 'Umar bin Abdul Aziz asked an aide for fanning. So with the maid deftly grabbed the fan, then moved his gerakkannya. A minute, two minutes elapsed time, until Umar bin Abdul Aziz went to sleep. However, without realizing it was the maid also fell asleep. Time passed, suddenly awakened Umar bin Abdul Aziz. He found the maid was asleep with flushed face and blood sweat soaked body heat due to weather. Necessarily Umar bin Abdul Aziz took the fan, then flip balikkannya fanning the maid. And the maid was finally woke up too, so he opened his eyes found the employer was fanning without feeling shy and awkward. Then the reflex motion that he had put his hand on his head and cried in shame. Then Umar bin Abdul Aziz also said to calm him: "You are human like me! You feel the heat as I also feel it. I just want to make you comfortable with this fan-as-you make me comfortable."e. Fair.Among the characteristics of Umar bin Abdul Aziz, fair is the most prominent position. Attitude is what makes his name so familiar to the ear posterity to this day. Justice will always echoed by the seekers of justice, either because it really wanted to retracing his footsteps or is just a camouflage. Most important is the great man has a place in the hearts of the descendants of the struggle. And the name was carved in gold ink on a row of fair leaders, leaders who terbimbimg by the sanctity of revelation: the Koran and Sunnah, the leaders who dubbed al-Khilafat al-Rasyidun. And the history of Islam pengukirnya.Al-Ajurri tell its fairness, he said: "A man Himsh dhimmis of the population had come to Umar bin Abdul Aziz as he complains:" O Commander of the Faithful! I want to be a decision by the law of God "." What do you mean? ", Said Umar bin Abdul Aziz." Abbas ibn Walid bin Abdul Malik has seized my land ", he added, when it was sitting next to Abbas Umar bin Abdul-Aziz. Then Umar bin Abdul Aziz was asked about it to the abbot, "What do you say?". "I had to do it because it gets direct orders from my father; Walid bin Abdul Malik," Abbas said defensively. Then Umar was asked back to the dhimmi, "What do you say?". "O Commander of the Faithful! I want to be a decision by the law of God, "repeated the dhimmi. And suddenly Umar bin Abdul Aziz said: 'The law of God is more entitled to be enforced from the law of Walid bin Abdul Malik", as he ordered Abbas to restore land that has his hands on.The story above is just one of a few tens and even hundreds of impartiality owned Umar bin Abdul Aziz. The story of justice is so easy to find in history books to write his biography. The story that met the pages of a book by historians. It's a story, any reader will surely shake their head in amazement as she gave him a sense of sad without hesitation, accompanied by tears of joy is also heartwarming atmosphere.Continued[1] More please read: Sirah wa Manaqib Umar bin Abdul Aziz, Ibn al-Jawzi it. 10.[2] The nickname was started when one day he entered the mooring horse, a horse suddenly kicked his face. Then his father was wiping the blood flowing while muttering, "If you are nicknamed the Umayyad Asyaj, really bahagialah you". Narrated by Ibn Hajar and Ibn Asakir, from street ruf ibn Harun, from Dhamrah.Umar bin Khattab t said: "Soon there will be one of my offspring to fill the earth with justice; a man who in his face a scar". Siyar an-Nubala knows best

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